LEAD PAINT TESTING - Lehua Environmental Inc.
Lead Paint Inspections and Testing

Our State of Hawaii Department of Health certified lead-based paint inspectors/risk assessors will conduct all testing and inspection services required for your project needs.  We will use either non-intrusive X-Ray Florescence (XRF) technology or Flame Atomic Absorption spectrometry (FAA) paint chip testing to analyze your paints for lead.

We tailor the services to your needs and regulatory requirements.  Our services include:

  • Testing painted surfaces in your building
  • Assessing their conditions
  • Quantifying them and test them for waste stream designation using Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) tests

We can provide you with recommendations for handling the materials and provide you with a rough order of magnitude cost estimate for any recommended repairs or removals.

Lead Air Monitoring Services

Lead air sampling services provide important legal documents, illustrating your responsible actions, and protecting you from future liability. We will manage, observe, and document compliance with relevant regulations and standards, and note the protective measures taken to isolate the work area from the occupants, public, and environment.  We also perform personal monitoring services to comply with OSHA regulations.

Lead In Soil

Sources of lead contamination in soil can range from damaged or deteriorating lead-based paint on the exterior of your building to previous leaded gasoline spills.  Our certified team can

  • identify lead contamination
  • delineate contamination areas
  • determine possible sources of lead contamination on your property. 

Our NVLAP accredited laboratory will provide us with results, and we will prepare a report for you with a summary of the condition of your soil. We can also provide you with recommendations on corrective actions and a rough order-of-magnitude cost estimate for any recommendations.

Lehua Environmental, industrial hygienist, Hilo, Kona, Hawaii

Lead Design Specifications for Abatement

If you plan to renovate or demolish your building and LBP is present, then a plan for controlling the lead should be developed. Our lead abatement design services will identify and define the materials needing special handling and disposal and how to manage them during construction. Lead containing components that can remain in place and do not need to be disturbed will be clearly identified.

Our design will provide you with an accurate cost estimate for abatement, comprehensive plans, and specifications. These documents will limit your liability and allow you to competitively bid the work among several contractors. You will then obtain the best price and eliminate construction period change orders at the same time.

Lead Abatement Project Management

Lehua Environmental Inc. can assist you in all phases of the lead abatement process.  We can help you to select pre-qualified contractors to bid on the work or offer the contract to all interested parties. We can facilitate the pre-bid meetings, write and distribute addendums, and direct the bid-opening meeting.

Once we have obtained the contractor’s qualifications and prices, we will help you to select the best contractor for the project. After selection, we can help you write the contract documents and review bid bonds, performance bonds, and insurance certificates.

Lead In Drinking Water

Plumbing installed before 1930 is most likely to contain lead. Through the 1900s, it was common practice to use lead pipes for interior plumbing. Lead piping was also used for the service connections that join buildings to the public water supply. This practice only recently ended in some localities.

More recently, copper pipes have replaced lead pipes in most buildings. However, the use of lead solder with copper pipes is still widespread. Lead solder was not only used in building plumbing systems, and it was also used in drinking fountains. Experts regard the lead solder as the major cause of lead contamination of drinking water in the U.S. today.

Our State of Hawaii Department of Health certified lead-based paint inspectors/risk assessors will come to your building and take samples of the drinking water. These samples must be taken according to a specified protocol, placed in containers with special preservatives, and delivered to the analytical laboratory on ice.

Our NVLAP accredited laboratory will provide us with results, and we will prepare a report for you with a summary of the condition of your water. We can also provide you with recommendations and a rough order-of-magnitude cost estimate for any recommended repairs or removals.

Just Give Us A Call

We will provide you with a proposal tailored to your budget, time constraints, and your specific needs. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through our web page or call us at (808) 494-0365 and ask our staff any questions you may have regarding asbestos in your building.